Monday, May 01, 2006

"No Time For Love, Dr. Jones!"

Well, that was an interesting trip. I reference the above movie quote, because my trip over to Hoboken roughly approximated the mine car sequence in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom". Yeah, it was fucking crazy, and not fun. I sat in the front car to watch as we went through all the tunnels. allI can say is that damn, that is one old tunnel going under the water there. the thign twists and turns like you wouldn't believe, to the point that you think you're going to hit the walls. In fact, it's sort of the like the Indy ride at Disneyland. Good times. I promise pics of this diapidated Mass transit system in the future. Let mwe just say that it cost $1.50 to ride. And it was worth all 6 of those quarters.

I have a few pics of Hoboken, it's pretty much what I expected of Jersey. Quiet, non-descript, and, well, downright stereotypical.

Yeah, I'm sure the owner of that car doesn't have a single ounce of hair gel in his apartment. Nope, none at all. I can't remember the name of any of the bars I went to, which is ok, cause they served cold alcohol, in large quantities, for less than they do in Manhattan. Can't argue with that.

The trip around town continued in the daylight hours once I got back to manhattan, killed the bottle of beam, and decided to go walking around with no particular destination. A few stops along the way:

The Chelsea Hotel. Where Sid killed Nancy. Don't do heroin, kids.

Moving right along, ended up at the river, saw the Intrepid, took a picture.

Finished with that, headed back into town to get on the subway home. Took this picture of the Amtrak tracks. How nice.

The banality of my sunday was alleviated only by the absolutely awesome weather. Not a cloud in sight. Beats being in the office.

In review, it's safe to say I spent too much money, but did have a good time across the river. I can't really even think of anythign funny to say. It was, you know, just an average weekend. Next weekend should be a blast, though...

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